Apache Royale v0.9.2 released!
The Apache Royale community is pleased to announce the release of Apache Royale 0.9.2.
The Apache Royale project is a continuation of the previous effort called FlexJS to produce a next-generation of the Apache Flex SDK that enables developers to use MXML and ActionScript to generate HTML/JS/CSS applications which can run natively in browsers. The cross-compiled code can also be used in Apache Cordova (Adobe PhoneGap) mobile applications.
This release should be considered 'beta' quality. The purpose of this release is to gather feedback about the features and implementation strategies, and to recruit new contributors. We hope to grow the code base into an SDK and tool chain that delivers the highest productivity when developing applications that can run on many platforms. Beta releases may not handle production needs.
Changes in 0.9.2:
- Added ApplicationParametersBead and ApplicationParametersCaseInsensitiveBead
- Added virtual item renderer management for fixed row height vertical lists.
- Added Menu and MenuBar
- Added DividedBox
- Many CSS default values are now in the basic.css theme.
- Theme support. Now compiler will copy all resources in "assets" folder to target
- Added JSON2ASVO, a utility that creates AS classes from a JSON result
- Added JSONReviver, a class that converts JSON to AS classes sort of like AMF
- Added HScrollViewport
- Added VScrollViewport
- Fixed bugs in XML parsing and converting back to strings
- https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues/120
- https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues/121
- https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues/122
- https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues/123
- Fixed Maven distribution so you can use in IDEs like VSCode, Moonshine and more.
- https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/issues/125
You can see more here.
You can download a binary distribution, the source code or browse our GitHub repositories. If you're a NPM user you can check Apache Royale at NPM.
As well, you can help us filing bugs in the framework or compiler.
For questions about how to use Royale, send email to mailto:users@royale.apache.org. For questions and feedback on the development of the source code in the release, send email to dev@royale.apache.org.
Enjoy! 🙂
Apache Royale v0.9.1 released!
The Apache Royale community is pleased to announce the release of Apache Royale 0.9.1.
The Apache Royale project is a continuation of the previous effort called FlexJS to produce a next-generation of the Apache Flex SDK that enables developers to use MXML and ActionScript to generate HTML/JS/CSS applications which can run natively in browsers. The cross-compiled code can also be used in Apache Cordova (Adobe PhoneGap) mobile applications.
This release should be considered 'beta' quality. The purpose of this release is to gather feedback about the features and implementation strategies, and to recruit new contributors. We hope to grow the code base into an SDK and tool chain that delivers the highest productivity when developing applications that can run on many platforms. Beta releases may not handle production needs.
You can download a binary distribution, the source code or browse our GitHub repositories. If you're a NPM user you can check Apache Royale at NPM.
As well, you can help us filing bugs in the framework or compiler.
For questions about how to use Royale, send email to mailto:users@royale.apache.org. For questions and feedback on the development of the source code in the release, send email to dev@royale.apache.org.
Enjoy! 🙂
Creating a Hello World in Apache Royale
This section will try to bring simple code examples that should help to develop with Apache Royale more quickly. This is in part a tribute to Peter deHaan blogs he did for Apache Flex, ActionScript 3 and Adobe AIR some years ago. Hope you like it and want to contribute to get a huge library of Royale code snippets well organized and searchable.
So lets begin with our first code snippet: Hello World.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<js:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl />
<js:Label text="Hello World" />
In this example you can see the use of the following MXML tags:
- Application: Is the main tag in your application. All content in Apache Royale is added inside this tag.
- SimpleCSSValuesImpl: This class implements a minimal set of CSS rules that is sufficient for most applications.
- View: This is the class for most views in a Royale application.
- Label: Implements the basic control for show a label with text.
Where to go from here
The result of this "Hello World" code snippet is the following:
(We're using an iframe to host the actual results of this example compilation. To see the example in a separate window click this link.)
Full project with source code can be found here: